Hope Mental Health Couselling



Trauma refers to any event(s) that exceeds the flexibility of the mind  to deal with it. If you have experienced a traumatic event, you may feel socially disconnected, overwhelmed, isolated, frightened and more vulnerable than ever before. Not everyone reacts the same way to traumatic events. Trauma affects people in different ways, where for some, the symptoms take weeks, months or even years before surfacing.

There are two types of traumas, the big “T” and the small “t”.



This type of trauma can result from a single, repeated or prolonged incident.  People with this trauma often have Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Most common events associated with PTSD are serious injury, life-threatening experiences and sexual violence. People who have witnessed big “T” trauma,  are living or working in close proximity with trauma survivors can also experience PTSD.    



Small “t” may not meet the definition of PTSD but it can have a significant effect on one’s emotional well-being.

Some examples of such trauma include the loss of a significant relationship, death of a pet, bullying/harassment, injuries (non-life threatening) and emotional Abuse.



Depression is more than just being sad or having the blues. It affects one’s mental state and all aspects of one’s life. I help you focus on changing your negative pattern of thinking and behaviour and re-purposing the thinking process toward a more positive everyday response. In addition, I help you focus on understanding and working through your personal relationships that may cause or make depression worse.



Some degree of anxiety and stress is normal. However, persistent and chronic anxiety and stress can interfere with the ability to cope with adverse situations. It can damage an individual’s health, mood, productivity, relationships, and quality of life. I work with you to find more effective ways to deal with anxiety and stress through various therapeutic techniques, to ultimately take back control of your life.



Anger is a normal emotion, but it becomes a problem when one is unable to express her or his anger in a balanced way. When it gets out of control, it turns destructive and affects work, family and other relationships. I work with you to find more effective ways to solve problems, develop coping strategies and providing a catalyst in expressing anger in a balanced and positive manner.



This includes all type of relationships. My role is to help you build confidence, improve communication, focus on positive emotions and have realistic expectations.




Grief affects individuals at all levels; physically, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. The circumstances behind grief can profoundly affect one’s life. Everyone has unique ways of coping with grief and loss. I recognize this and tailors specific strategies and techniques to suit a your unique circumstances.



Eating disorders can effect a person’s physical and mental health. My role as a Therapist is to help you get to the root cause of the disorder, eliminate triggers and become more confident. I will also teach you effective coping strategies, as well as help you manage other mental health problems that may be associated with eating disorders (such as anxiety, depression).



I have extensive experience working with survivors/domestic/partner violence. My experience includes working with women who were either in the process of leaving or have left the relationship. I have worked in domestic violence shelter and community based services. My current focus is to help you rebuild your life, eliminate the triggers that were caused by the abuse and most all of build your confidence/self-esteem to thrive, not just survive.